Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Paper clip trains

paper clips
refrigerator magnet


Working theory
Ferromagnetic items (generally those with iron) can be magnetized. By rubbing a magnet across a ferromagnetic item like a paper clip, you can temporarily magnetize the item.

We repeatedly rubbed a refrigerator magnet along a paper clip (always in the same direction - not sure if that matters). We were then able to use the magnetized paper clip to pick up another paper clip. By rubbing the magnet along multiple paper clips, we were able to make a series of magnetized paper clips. Placing them head to tail in a line we were then able to pull the whole train of paper clips by pulling the first one. We also magnetized other objects like certain keys, finding out that we could only magnetize objects that the refrigerator magnet would stick to (i.e. those that are ferromagnetic).

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